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                                              Top Certification Programs and Federally Protected Trademarks

• AMC Accredited Management Consultant ® is a registered Trademark of the IBS – Board of Standards Trademark. #  4337599
• CIPM Certified International Project Manager ® is a registered Trademark of the IBS – Board of Standards Hong Kong Trademark. #  302300336
•  CPE Certified Planning Engineer  ® is a Registered Trademark of the IBS GAFM. in the US United States and a Foreign Sovereign Nation.
•  CHR Certified in Human Resources is a Registered Trademark of the IBS GAFM. in the US United States Trademark Registration
CWM  Chartered Wealth Manager ® is a USA and  International Trademark in the European Community Reg. # 010772176
• MFP ® Master Financial Planner ® Charter Designation and Board Certification ® is also a Registered Trademark. # 4009142
• AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ® is a registered Trademark of the IBS – Board of Standards Trademark. #  4025416
• AMA Accredited Management Accountant ® is a registered Trademark of the IBS – Board of Standards Trademark. #  4182137
• CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ® is a Registered Trademark of the IBS GAFM.  US United States Trademark Registration Number 4596129
•   ChE Chartered Economist ® is a Registered Trademark of the IBS GAFM. in the US United States Trademark Registration
•  MQM Master of Quality Management is a Registered Trademark of the IBS GAFM. in the US United States Trademark Registration
• CRA Certified Risk Analyst ® – Trademark PRC Asia/China/Provincial Trademarks 

AFA trademark

AMA Trademark

Certified Accredited Management Consultant Trademark

MMC Trademark Master Management Consultant Degree Certification Certified

ChE Chartered Economist USPTO Trademark

CTEP Trademark Registration

course materials

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                                                             Apply to Earn the Qualification/License. Use MBA or Degree or Gov. Rank for eligibility.

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Certified Management Consultant